Five Simple Hairstyles Suitable For Travel

Undoubtedly, we all desire to appear our most attractive while traveling, although we are reluctant to invest excessive time at the hotel bathroom sink in pursuit of this goal.

How can one maintain a conventional appearance after extended periods of travel, frequently without the means to style their hair or even take a shower? By allocating a just five minutes and engaging in minimal preparation, that is how it may be accomplished!

Today, I will tell you about five different hairstyles that can be handled while you are away from home. These hairstyles require very little work and styling materials, and they only require a few minutes of your valuable travel time. Due to the fact that different types and lengths of hair exist, I can only attest to the fact that these styles are effective on my fine hair that is about the length of my armpits.

Let’s begin the process of creating a stylish appearance:


I always aim for the lived-in look. The waves have the ability to compliment a wide range of outfits, from a straightforward combination of a t-shirt and jeans to a charming dinner ensemble.

The majority of the time, I start my journey with my hair styled in this manner. In the event that I do not anticipate having the opportunity to wash my hair for a couple of days, I take a shower as near to the time that we are leaving as possible, washing it well with a clarifying shampoo, and then either blow drying or letting it air dry.

When it is dry, I curl it using a curling iron or automatic hair curler, holding it vertically and avoiding my scalp and ends. I curl one inch portions of hair at a time, working my way back to the front (the barrel size I use is determined by the length of my hair; at the moment, I am using a 1-1/4 inch barrel iron). With the exception of a few curls, I rotate the barrel in the other direction, which helps me prevent the appearance of having pageant curls. I turn the barrel away from my face. After that, I decided to wait until the curls had completely cooled down before applying a small amount of sea salt spray and/or texture spray to them.

Following that, I apply a little shine oil and brush my fingers through the curls to give them a little bit of a break. It may feel like the curls are too much at initially, but they will eventually become more manageable. By the second, third, or fourth day (with the assistance of some dry shampoo and lifting powder), my hair has a slight bend and a great deal more movement than it would have if it had been left straight. I accomplish that look by doing the following:

1> Start with hair that is clean and dry and will use Hair Heat Protectant Spray before using auto curling hair curler.

2> Working from the rear, curl portions that are one inch long in the direction that you want.

3> Carry on until each and every hair is curled.

4> After the hair has completely cooled, finish it off with the styling spray of your choosing, whether it be hair spray, texture spray, or salt spray and using hair finishing stick to fix the small broken hair/hair breakage in curly hair or split ends.

5> Once it has cooled, use your fingers or hair brush to comb through it.

6> Lastly, apply a small amount of hair oil to the ends of your hair to seal it and give shine.

7 in 1 hair stylers


Curls that do not require heat or tools are a traveler’s best friend! Despite the fact that I love the look of hair that is curled around a barrel, this style is so amazing when you are in a hurry.

It is reasonable to anticipate that a hotel will provide its visitors with a hairdryer (if not in the room itself, then at least available for checkout from the front desk), but Airbnb is like the Wild West when it comes to the assortment of amenities that are offered. After a few instances in which I arrived at my Airbnb to discover that the blowdryer that had been promised to me was not there (I’ve been told more than once that, oh my goodness, the blowdryer was stolen by the visitor right before me), I decided to take action. I am able to turn to waves that do not produce heat.

When I want to produce texture without using heat tools example automatic hair curler machine which will take some time to make curling hairstyle, I make it a point to take a shower before the evening is over. This gives my hair the opportunity to completely dry naturally before I wake up the following morning. Due to the fact that my hair has a wave pattern that is naturally irregular, I have a tendency to encourage it into play until it dries. I like the more hands-off approach of gently twisting my hair away from my face and allowing it to set while it is drying. This can be accomplished by scrunching it numerous times while it dries, but I prefer the more hands-off approach.

I am not a fan of the fact that a bun only develops curls in one direction, but many people enjoy it (and if it is your go-to, then you should definitely go for it!). In addition, I find that sleeping with my hair wrapped back in this manner is significantly more pleasant for me than sleeping with a blob of a bun. Step by step, here is how I achieve waves that are free of heat:

1> Start with towel-dried hair (damp, not soaking-wet)

2> Take a half-turn away from your face and begin to twist.

3> Repetition on the opposite side (yeah, it does appear to be a little bit childish and foolish!)

4> When necessary, re-twist the hair occasionally, or use a gentle hair tie to rearrange the hair away from the face.

5> Shake off any loose waves after drying, and if you’d like, apply salt spray.

AIR-DRIED + TWISTED hairstyle for travel


To successfully perform a French or Dutch braid, you will want a certain amount of dexterity; nevertheless, all you need is practice! The surprise off-center variant of my braids is achieved by incorporating my side part into the braid-style.

When I am heading somewhere that is going to be really windy or where I anticipate working up a sweat, or when my roots are so oily that no amount of dry shampoo in the world will remove the oils from them, I braid my hair. It is true that I will alter the positioning of the braid or switch from a French braid to a Dutch braid depending on the day, but the essential formula remains the same. If you have never mastered a French braid, I recommend watching a few of the innumerable tutorials that are available on YouTube; you will become an expert in no time!

By pulling larger portions of hair into the braid, I am able to create a more daring form while simultaneously saving time and making the most of the situation. Braids are most effective when applied to hair that is at least one day old; however, if the hair has recently been washed, you can use a texturizing powder to assist it stay in place (this powder is also excellent for giving Dutch braids more definition).

If the braid is even, you will also end up with wonderful waves in the shape of a S when you pull it down, which is still another design that does not require the use of heat. The braids that are displayed below are the ones that I wear the most frequently when I am traveling:

1> Considering that my part can occasionally be seen through a style that is centered, I frequently favor braiding along one side.

2> This type of braid, which is slightly loose and centered, typically results in incredibly gorgeous waves the following day.

3> A Dutch braid, or any braid, would benefit greatly from the use of texturizing powder because it adds a little amount of traction to the hair.

3> It is possible to lengthen the braid in order to make it more noticeable after powdering.

4> The braid takes on a more relaxed ambiance once it has been loosened.

BRAIDED hair style for travel
BRAIDED hair style for travel
BRAIDED hair style for travel


I agree, cap. Hats are a terrific technique to lengthen the amount of time that passes between washings; yet, they are also known for being a hairdo killer. Because of this, I am now able to wear a hat without it falling flat:

I can hear you saying, “A hat is not a hairstyle,” so I want you to give me a chance to explain:

Certainly, hats are useful for those days when your roots are excessively oily or when your hair has crumpled in an odd way because you slept on your pillow in an unusual manner; nevertheless, there are also occasions when you require them in order to stay warm. On the other hand, when you get to your destination, you will be required to take them off, which is a terrible inconvenience. And now you have hat head, and you are wondering whether you should have given up warmth in favor of style (at least, that is how I used to feel every time I wore a beanie).

Due to the fact that I choose to part my hair on one side, I soon came to the realization that if I flipped my part before placing the hat on my head, I would be able to easily reverse it when I removed the hat. What a simple concept, but it took me a very long time to figure it out! Now, when I take off my hat, I frequently find that I have more volume than I did when I first started, which is a really positive thing taking into consideration that I have fine hair.

This is the method that I use to flip my part, step by step (there aren’t too many steps!):

1> At the center of the scalp, gather a portion that is two inches in length.

2> Pull it up and all the way over, moving the portion to the opposite side.

3> It can feel a little weird at first, so if you’re not used to shifting your part, add your hat and adjust as needed!

4> When you’re ready to remove your hat, just re-part your hair back on its normal side. No hat-hair at all!

HAT for hairstyle for travel


A hairstyle that does not require the use of heat or tools, is quite sophisticated, and may be used as a fantastic party trick.

When I saw someone pull their hair back in this manner for the first time, I bet my life that it was a miracle.

Not only is this haircut sophisticated and sophisticated, but it can also be roughed up a little bit to look more casual or edgy, which is my personal choice! In situations where I need to take a shower but don’t want to wash my hair, or when it’s windy and I don’t have a hair tie, I will frequently pull my hair up in this manner for a short period of time.

You will need some practice to get it correct, but once you have it mastered, you will be able to achieve this style in approximately thirty seconds. I find that I am more successful with this style when I use hair texturizers or when my hair is little dirty; but, if your hair naturally keeps its form well, you should be able to accomplish this one whenever you want to! In this manner:

1> It is my preference to begin with hair that has not been washed in a recent period of time (I am currently on day three).

2> A low ponytail should be pulled back, but it should not be secured.

3> I like to twist the hair all the way to the ends, but I prefer to do it in the direction that my part is now pointing.

4> When you wrap it into a bun, make sure to not secure it.

5> Take a pinch on the area that is just below the bun, and start working it up and over the spiral design.

6> Pin the hair and, if necessary, spray it with hairspray.

UPDO hairstyle for travel
UPDO A heatless, toolless hairstyle that is exceedingly elegant and makes for a cool party trick.

It is possible that I will one day have a travel budget that is large enough to allow for a trip to a blow-dry bar prior to each and every trip; however, for the foreseeable future, this is not going to be possible due to financial constraints. For the time being, I am content with the fact that I have a few quick and easy hairstyles ready to go so that I can go out and enjoy having arrived at my destination.

Hair-Mate Tools

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